Raymond Ankner -Expected to be the biggest life insurance failure in Illinois : Captive Insurance & 419 Plans Litigation

Raymond Ankner -Expected to be the biggest life insurance failure in Illinois : Captive Insurance & 419 Plans Litigation: Septembe...: Captive Insurance & 419 Plans Litigation: September 2013


  1. 5 T.C. No. 5
    NEONATOLOGY ASSOCIATES, P.A., ET AL.,1 Petitioners v.
    Docket Nos. 1201-97, 1208-97, Filed July 31, 2000.
    2795-97, 2981-97,
    2985-97, 2994-97,
    2995-97, 4572-97.
    Certain insurance salesmen formed two purported
    voluntary employees’ benefic

  2. Help with Common IRS Problems

    Wednesday, May 28, 2014

    More Problems for 419 Plans
    For years, life insurance companies and agents have tried to find ways of making life insurance premiums paid by business owners tax deductible. This would allow them to sell policies at a "discount."
    The problem became acute a few years ago with outlandish claims about how §§419A(f)(5) and (6) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) exempted employers from any tax deduction limitations. Other inaccurate assertions were made as well, until the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finally put a stop to such egregious misrepresentations in 2002 by issuing regulations and naming such plans as "potentially abusive tax shelters" (or "listed transactions") that needed to be registered and disclosed to the IRS.

    This appeared to put an end to the scourge of scurrilous promoters, as many such plans disappeared from the landscape.

    And what happened to the providers that were peddling §§419A(f)(5) and (6) life insurance plans a few years ago? We recently found the answer: Most of them found a new life as promoters of so-called "419(e)" welfare benefit plans.

  3. On June 19, 2020, the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice filed a Petition To Enforce Summons against the Delaware Department Of Insurance, which seeks testimony and certain documents relating to Artex Risk Solutions, Inc. and Tribeca Strategic Advisors, LLC in connection with its promoter audits of those companies. Concurrently with the Petition, the DOJ also filed the Declaration of IRS Revenue Agent Bradley Keltner and the Summons that it is attempting to enforce. Artex/Tribeca is affiliated with publicly-traded Arthur J. Gallagher.nizing those captives. As an expert witness my side has never lost a case. Lance Wallach.
